In the last week of November, the Einstein Telescope project will be featured in two public events:
• On Tuesday, November 28 in Cagliari, at the Ex Manifattura Tabacchi, ET scientific collaboration coordinator Michele Punturo (INFN Perugia) will speak at the event “Connections”, organized by the newspaper La Nuova Sardegna. Starting at 5:25 p.m., Punturo will discuss with Giacomo Cao (University of Cagliari, CRS4 and Aerospace District of Sardinia) on the topic “Research, innovation and new opportunities in aerospace” in a dialogue moderated by journalist Giuseppe Centore. To participate, reservations are required at this link.
• On Thursday, November 30 in Bologna at 9 p.m., the event “With New Eyes – Theater and Science from Deep Space to Gravitational Waves” will be held at the DAMSLAB Auditorium, featuring the play “Il Copernico” (a theatrical adaptation of Giacomo Leopardi’s moral operetta of the same name) followed by a scientific dialogue on the new frontiers of the observation of the Universe, from the Euclid mission to the Einstein Telescope. The dialogue will involve Michele Moresco, professor at the University of Bologna and member of the ET collaboration, Paola Battaglia (INAF-OAS Bologna) and Margherita Talia (University of Bologna), with moderation by Sandro Bardelli (INAF-OAS Bologna). The event is organized by the University of Bologna, in collaboration with INAF-OAS Bologna and INFN Bologna. Admission is free, but registration is strongly recommended at this link.

Michele Punturo’s speech at the ‘Connessioni’ event (Cagliari)