Events June 6, 2023 PRESENTATION OF THE ITALIAN CANDIDACY FOR EINSTEIN TELESCOPE On Tuesday, 6 June 2023, at 4 p.m., the Italian candidacy for Einstein Telescope will… francesca.cuicchio Love0
Events May 5, 2023 SCIèNTZIAINBIDDA, A WEEKEND TO DISCOVER THE SURROUNDINGS OF SOS ENATTOS ET is a project that will revolutionise physics and astrophysics and, like all the large… francesca.cuicchio Love0
Events April 6, 2023 XIII ET SYMPOSIUM 8-12 may 2023 T Hotel, Cagliari The Einstein Telescope Scientific Collaboration meets in Cagliari, Italy,… francesca.cuicchio Love1
Events April 3, 2023 FROM THE MINE TO THE STARS: THE EINSTEIN TELESCOPE PROJECT 23 aprile 2023 Festival delle Scienze, Teatro Studio Borgna, Auditorium Parco della Musica, Rome Listening… francesca.cuicchio Love0